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Fail2ban is an intrusion prevention software framework that protects computer servers from brute-force attacks. Fail2ban operates by monitoring log files (e.g. /var/log/auth.log, /var/log/apache/access.log, etc.) for selected entries and running scripts based on their content.

Jellyfin produces logs that can be monitored by Fail2ban to prevent brute-force attacks on your machine.


  • Jellyfin remotely accessible
  • Fail2ban installed and running
  • Knowing where the logs for Jellyfin are stored: by default /var/log/jellyfin/ for desktop and /config/log/ for docker containers.

Step one: create the jail

You need to create a jail for Fail2ban. If you're on Ubuntu and use nano as editor, run:

sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/jellyfin.local

Add this to the new file, replacing /path_to_logs with the path to the log files above, e.g. /var/log/jellyfin/:


backend = auto
enabled = true
port = 80,443
protocol = tcp
filter = jellyfin
maxretry = 3
bantime = 86400
findtime = 43200
logpath = /path_to_logs/jellyfin*.log

Save and exit nano.


  1. If Jellyfin is running in a docker container, add the following to the jellyfin.local file:

    action = iptables-allports[name=jellyfin, chain=DOCKER-USER]
  2. If you're running Jellyfin on a non-standard port, then change the port from 80,443 to the relevant port say 8096,8920

Step two: create the filter

The filter contains a set of rules which Fail2ban will use to identify a failed authentication attempt. Create the filter by running:

sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/jellyfin.conf


failregex = ^.*Authentication request for .* has been denied \(IP: "<ADDR>"\)\.

Save and exit, then reload Fail2ban:

sudo systemctl restart fail2ban

Check fail2ban is running:

sudo systemctl status fail2ban

Step three: test

Assuming you've at least one failed authentication attempt, you can test this new jail with fail2ban-regex:

sudo fail2ban-regex /path_to_logs/*.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/jellyfin.conf --print-all-matched