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Jellyfin 10.9.0

· 9 min read
Joshua Boniface
Project Leader

We are pleased to announce the latest stable release of Jellyfin, version 10.9.0!

This major release brings many new features, improvements, and bugfixes to improve your Jellyfin experience.

You may upgrade your Jellyfin instances at any time now, however please read on for a complete detailing of what's new and changed, including some very important release notes. For those who were running Unstable builds for testing, we thank you immensely, and you may now switch back to the Stable repository and forcibly reinstall/repull the latest version.

Happy watching!

- Joshua

Testing 10.9.0

· 6 min read
Joshua Boniface
Project Leader

We are pleased to announce that we are now in our feature freeze window for the 10.9.0 release! That means that from now until the release, we'll be focusing only on merging bugfixes and other improvements, while all features will be on hold until the release is finalized.

That also means it's time to start testing. As outlined in our last blog post, we're doing things a bit differently this release, so this post will provide the steps one would need to take to help us test the new release.

If you want to help out, please read on!

- Joshua

New CI, New Repo, A Renewed Push for 10.9.0

· 15 min read
Joshua Boniface
Project Leader

Over the last several weeks, I've been driving a major push to revamp and improve our CI, in an effort to improve our release workflow, our velocity of releases, and the burden they have on me as the release manager. This post will detail the changes we've made, how they might affect you as a user or contributor, and how we're planning to proceed with our 10.9.0 release cycle.


  1. We have a new repository browser UI along with a new file layout, on a new master repository machine, built by new CI, that will hopefully make it nicer to look around and get right to what you need. This has now been cut over into production, but is still a bit of a work in progress, so please report any bugs you find to us! Note that quite a number of paths will have changed (anything under /server especially), but some will remain the same. If you get a 404 and can't find it through the browser UI, best to check in. 3rd party packagers downloading files manually from us are advised to contact us if needed.

  2. We are dropping non-LTS Ubuntu packages, dropping our own Fedora/CentOS packages in favour of RPMFusion builds, and adding GHCR as a container repository for our Docker images.

  3. For 10.9.0, we will not be producing explicit "beta" releases. Instead, we will test using our new Weekly Unstable builds. Once the master branch is sufficiently stable and good, we will release 10.9.0 directly from there (via our standard release branch process).

  4. The 10.9.0 feature freeze (bugfix PRs only after this) will tentatively begin on Monday, March 18th. The hope is that all of the above will be ready by then so that obtaining Unstable builds for testing will be easy.

  5. The 10.9.0 release itself is tentatively planned for the last weekend in April. To all 3rd parties who build packages of our releases, please read until the end for an important note about this release.

Read on for more details.

- Joshua

Roku Version 2.0.0

· 6 min read
Roku Team

When we say this 2.0.0 release is a major milestone, we honestly mean it. New features and bug fixes abound, but even behind the scenes the updates continue all the way to the foundation with us updating every single file in the app to support a new programming language. You can't get more monumental than that!

Read more to learn about some of the exciting new features.

- 1hitsong

Android TV version 0.16

· 4 min read
Niels van Velzen
Android Lead

It has been a busy year with a lot of work on the Android TV app. After an extended beta period today is finally the day to share this work to the public. Read along to learn everything about improved music playback, the new screensaver and more!

- Niels

Jellyfin Security & You

· 3 min read
Joshua Boniface
Project Leader

We have just released our 10.8.13 stable version. This release fixes two serious security vulnerabilities, which will be detailed in full in approximately 1-2 weeks. Please be advised to update your Jellyfin instances as soon as possible before these vulnerabilities are released publicly.

A Call for Developers

· 5 min read
Joshua Boniface
Project Leader

I want YOU to contribute to Jellyfin

This year, DigitalOcean's Hacktoberfest is in it's 10th year. In previous years, we haven't made too much of it, but within our project, this is our most important year yet.

We'd like to call on you, the wider community, to help make Jellyfin better! We need contributors, fresh ideas and blood to help the project move past our current funk and into something more.

Will you join us?

The New Jellyfin Forum

· 8 min read
Joshua Boniface
Project Leader

We are pleased to announce that we have created a new forum for the Jellyfin community:

You can see the welcome message here and the forum rules here, or you can jump right to registering here, using either native forum registration or using an account from Discord, GitHub, Google, Reddit, StackExchange, or Twitter.

As part of this, we have also decided to close our Reddit community presence permanently. Please see the message there for details.

If you just want to get registered and start posting, this is all you need. But if you're interested in our motivations, choices, and technical implementation, please read on!

Jellyfin Android 2.5.0

· 4 min read
Max Rumpf
Android Mobile Lead

It has been a long while since the last update, but after an extended beta testing period with plenty of bug reports (thanks, by the way!) and subsequent fixes, we're excited to finally announce a new major update to the Jellyfin app for Android.

Version 2.5.0 again focuses on improvements to the integrated player, and brings various new features, many bug fixes and a lot of technical maintenance and rewrites.

Read on to learn more!